Sep 19, 2012

Report of Sepha's Music Live Performance on Sept.15, 2012

Thank you all for your comings to my solo live performance held in the event Viva La Vie! I appeared on Sept.15, 2012! 
I was very happy to see you all in the venue!

The venue this time was small but nice and cozy place.
and it was not easy to set the video camera to shoot my music performance without any other people than me in the frame, and unfortunately we couldn’t find out no other way and place than setting the camera position like a security camera…
So please Do NOT expect any nice visual image for this live performance through the video, I would be happy, if you enjoy the video just for listening to the music I performed on that evening, with youy eyes closed…

On that day, some accidents happened even in the backstage…
before my show, I took a some sort of nutrients and tonics after took late lunch.
Suddenly I got to feel so unwell and sick to my stomach as much as it seemed that was impossible for me to perform on the stage under that such condition….
BUT, luckily, there is a booth of Phytotherapy and Naturopathy in the venue, and very kindly they prescribe natural herbs for me, and surprisingly it really started to work quickly!!
I was saved by the Phytotherapists and Naturopathists, Ms. Tamaki Yokota and Ms. Yoko Naito.
Thank you two again!
When I checked the flyer of this event, the first thing and the most I had interest in was the title ” Phytotherapists and Naturopathists”.
So, of course, they were one of them I wanted to see first in the venue, but I had never imagined that I saw them in such way….
But for me, it seems that out of disaster springs fortune!
Then, this accident brought me an opportunity to have more interests in learning Phytotherapy and Naturopathy, and now, that is one of things I want to study more.

And another accident, I couldn’t find the chair which is proper height for my guitar performance, so, many times my guitar slipped on my knees because I don’t use a guitar strap, and of course, it was so harder to play my guitar during that show.
But, on second thought during I checked the video of my live performed on that day, my guitar performance would be so excited as much as my guitar slipped many times on my knees…

I wondered how bigger luggage those would get to be, if I bring also my own chair for my guitar performance with fancy looks.
Aside from my guitar, amplifier, and other music gear, I also bring every time a camera, and a small video camera, tripod, cables, and stage costume bulkier most of the time…
So you know, every one who saw my luggage, is surprised always at bigger, heavier, bulkier luggage than other people, which I bring those by myself alone…
Everyone who saw that always says, “Find a roadie quickly, Sepha!”
But, what I really want and need now is "a professional bilingual business manager for me!"

To be honest on my huge luggage for my live performance every time, it’s true that I often feel tired already before I perform my music on the stage owing to those huge luggage I carry around, so I often take a some sort of nutrients and tonics before the stage show, but this time, as I described the story above, I felt so uwell and sick to my stomach and felt dizzy…
But anyway, I could come through accidents anyhow all through that live performance.
Thank you all :)

Now I’m trying to create my original new stage costume by trial and error.  And all the materials are here now :) even watching those makes me feel excited, but I know I have to create and complete the one like making me feel excited even watching the completed one…
And I’m creating and recording a new song, too.
The Autumn of Art seems to drop by the Sepha’s house, so inspirational stars are shining in me now :)

I hope it would be very happy for me, if the people as many as I can enjoy the Sepha World with my new original costume, at the next live performance, including a new song of mine.

I appreciate everyone I met in the venue through the event I appeared on Sept. 15, 2012.

I am looking forward to seeing you all through my music/art soon!
Thank you all!

with Love, Beauty, Aesthetics of diversity, Music, Art, from Outer Space,


Sep 14, 2012

Released New Song "Infinite Love"/ 新曲"Infinite Love (無限の愛)" がリリース!


New single “Infinite Love” has been released worldwide in digital single format on iTunes, Amazon, CD baby and more.

(新曲”Infinite Love ( 無限の愛 )”が、iTunes, Amazon, CD baby 他で、全世界でデジタル・リリースされました。.


Single Cover Art: SEPHA Photographed by Camilla Douraghy

This beautiful photo work of this single song cover art was photographed by the photographer Camilla Douraghy, which I was taken in a photo studio in Harajuku, Tokyo, last spring just right after the 311 Tohoku Tsunami huge quake disaster, during her short visit to Japan.

(この曲の美しいシングルカバーの写真作品は、フォトグラファーの Camilla Douraghy さんの作品で、昨年の311震災後にちょうど短期間来日した際に、原宿のフォトスタジオで撮影して頂いたSepha(セファ)です。)

This song was created first for my father who passed away last November by suffered from bad cancer, because I dared not to create his requiem before his death, so I created the special song dedicated to him after his passed away.
But everytime I perform live this song, more and more I got to feel like dedicating this song also to all the people who passed away, and their closed people who sent off his/ her spirit but still feel pain inside.

(この曲は、以前にも、この私の Blog に書きましたが、もともとは、昨年、癌でこの世を旅たった父へ捧げるために書き上げた曲でした。 父の生前には、レクイエムは、あえて書かなかった私だったので、旅立ったあとに父へ捧げるために書き上げた曲です。 しかし、この曲をライブで演奏するたびに、この世を旅たった全ての方とその身近な方や大切な方をこの世から見送ったものの心を痛まれてる方すべてへも捧げようと思うようになりました。)

Because I still have days like that my tears well up in my eyes whenever something reminds me of my late father.
But still, at the same time, I think like this way everytime that happens; my late father has been going to his next evolution with being a part of the Infinite Love.  So I think his love is always with me more than ever with more connecting with even my inside and outside outer space, i.e., though his figure is changed after his body was gone, his soul is eternal with keeping on evolving, so I think I can see and do see him more than ever, even still now, whenever I want, in a different form/ different forms.

父も今は、更なる進化を遂げ、無限の愛の一部となって、その愛は、これまで以上に私の内なる宇宙でも外なる宇宙でも、より一層のつながりでいつも私とも一体となっているとも思いますし、肉体は無くなって形は変われども、彼の魂は常に生き続け進化し続けているのだと思います。 だから、会いたいときは、これまで以上にいつでも異なった形で会えているし、会っているのだとも思います。)

Lyrics ( 歌詞 ):
Infinite Love         
Music & lyrics by Sepha

A drop of diamond (一粒のダイヤモンド)
A shooting star   (1筋の流れ星)
I woke up in a different world (目を覚ますと私は別世界にいた)
So shining blooming flowers    (眩いばかりの咲き溢れている花々)
I saw you in the sky      (私は、その空であなたを見つけた)

Your soul glowing in the night sky  (その夜空で煌々と光り輝いているあなたの魂)
You are shining more than daytime light  (その輝きは日中の日の光よりも神々しく)
Your love deeper than the ocean  (あなたの愛は海よりも深い)
Let me soar up into your world   (あなたの世界へ舞い上がってみたい)

Can you see the galaxy?   (そこから銀河は見える?)
How can I cross the Milky Way?  (天の川を渡るにはどうすればいい?)
Tell me where and how can I see you? (どうすればあなたに会えるか教えてほしい)
Oh, Take me to the higher world. (あなたのいるより高みの世界へ)

I can feel you closer and closer, (あなたの存在がより近くになっていくのを感じる)
Almost reaching the infinite world (それは、あなたの世界へもうすぐ辿り着きそうなほど)

Twinkling stars kissing blooming flowers like butterflies (蝶達のように花々にキスをする煌く星達)
Please take me away, Please take me away to your world into the light (光の中へ向かってあなたの世界を訪れたい)
    You’re infinite love (あなたは、無限の愛)    
    You’re infinite love (あなたは、無限の愛)

**  I feel free riding on the wind (風に乗って私は自由)
      Boundless love (尽きることの無い愛が)
      Coming out of your soul (あなたの魂から、放たれる)
      I feel safe in your sky (あなたの空で私は安らぎと共に守られているのを感じる)
      You’re infinite love (あなたは、無限の愛)
(C)(P)  2012 Sepha – All Rights Reserved

With Love, Beauty, Music, Art, Aesthetics of diversity from Outer Space,



Multi-Artist SEPHA Official Website:

Sep 1, 2012

Sept.15th, Sepha performing live music at the following event!/ 9月15日の土曜の夕方、Sepha(セファ)、イベント出演でライブやるよ!


Sepha will be appearing around at 6:00 pm on Sept. 15 (Sat), 2011,  at the following event, as one of the musical guests for live music performance, where is held at Sitimentyo in Shibuya, Tokyo.
(Sepha は、9月15日の土曜日の午後6時頃くらいから以下のイベントへの音楽ゲスト出演で、ソロライブをたっぷり行います。)

Another is Emi Eleonola.

I heard each of us is invited to the event as "the guest from Outer Space"!

Sepha will be performing solo live performance with a lot of Nu-Jazz songs from Outer Space on the evening, so come and enjoy the spacewalk in the venue through the music from Outer Space filled with Love and Beauty!

This event content itself seemes to be pretty much enjoyable for anyone with full of nice and lovely things and also entertainments!


The Event Name/出演イベント名:
Viva La Vie (The Trail Market  Vol.2)
(ビバ ラ ヴィ! トライアルマーケット編 Vol. 2 

Entrance:  3500yen including 1 drink tix + 2 music live performances tix + 5 trial tix for those booths in the venue (Aromatic Massage, Palm Reading, Tarot Reading, Nail Care/Art etc.) -Re-entry permitted throughout the day-
(★入場料 3,500円 1 drink 付 - 入場料¥3,500 で1ドリンクとアロマ・マッサージ、手相鑑定、タロット占いネイルケアなど1出店につき15分程度の鑑定・施術5出店のお試しとアーティストのライブをお楽しみ頂けます。(再入場可))

Musical Guests/音楽ゲスト :
(Live Performances will be starting around 6pm! Never miss it!)  
+ Sepha (セファ)
+ Emi Eleonola (エミ・エレオノーラ)    

Booths participated in the event:  
Palm/Tarot Reading Fortunetellers, Anti-aging Counselor, Nail Care/Artist,  Make-up Advisor, phytotherapist etc.  

The venue:
Sitimentyo in Shibuya
Address: 2-14-17 Dougenzaka, Shibuya
TEL: 03-3461-2123
(Access Map,

*For more detail about the event,
(Sorry, The content is written only in Japanese)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multi-Artist SEPHA Official Website: