Personified spirits of them are often expressed as some of fairies; they are invisible as long as you shut your heart to them, but even if they are invisible to you at first, once both of you two (you and a plant) open up each of the doors to communicate each other, various kinds of journeys will start through the communication, and some of you will have some other new eyes through those, I think.
and I think this is also a part of powers plants have.
With collaborating with people, we have developed better and beneficial things for us till now, but I think collaborating partners to make those will be not only people, but also plants, animals etc., in future, and even the day also will come, which we work and develop something with them following their directions - for example, through the communication with them, we can develop something valuable in cosmic dimensions the plants have, different from our shallow and narrow dimensions.
That does not mean we develop something with them using a part of them physically, which means we work with them actually because they have very deeper and broader perspectives in a cosmic level, and their talents are enormous, and they teach us a lot of things.
If more people could know about this and more people could awake and realize our innate power to be able to make a real communication with them deeply, I think all of us, not only people but also plants, animals and every creature on this earth, we can live with respecting each other deeply in a real meaning, with producing various kinds of valuable and beneficial things for all of us, on the earth in near future.
That means the world is realized, which is like that Marc Chagall had depicted and showed us in his paintings with his ideal and dream . . . living together in a multi-dimentional world, in a meaning.
I think it is not much far away from today that the day will come.

それは、マルク・シャガールもずっと理想と夢を見て描いてきた彼の中の絵の世界のような世界が、現実化することでもあり、 それは、ある意味、多次元世界における共存。
Sepha (セファ)