They bloom one right after another even in Winter because all of them are some of the kinds which bloom in four seasons, and the Orange Three Sisters (the picture shown at the left), which I call them as, are blooming now finally.
What I grow so far in there are potted miniture roses, but even it's called as "Miniture" roses, some of them have the size as large as 8cm meters or so in diameter, such as Sanremo Forever (the picture shown at the left) etc. Cool!
( 全て四季咲きの品種なので、冬でも入れ替わり立ち代り異なる薔薇が花を咲かせてくれているのですが、その中でも「オレンジ3姉妹」(写真左)と私が呼んでいた薔薇たちがようやく咲きました。
私が育てているのは鉢植えの「ミニバラ」と言われるものですが、それでも花の直径が8cm位あるものもあります( 写真左のサンレモフォーエバーなど)。)
Probably the next week, a new potted rose also will be a part of the SEPHA Garden.
Outside it's getting colder day by day in Winter, but the SEPHA Garden will be Spring all through the year.
( 来週、新しい仲間が1種類、SEPHAガーデンにやってくる予定です。
外は、日に日に寒くなる冬ですが、SEPHAガーデンは、1年中、春って感じになりそうです~♪ 。 )They speak to me a lot, especially during my work...hahaha...
( よくバラ達に話しかけられる私です。 特に仕事中に。笑 )Love,