What are you gonna do in 80 seconds?
Travelling around the world in 80seconds?
Through I have known "Around the world in 80 days"...
The video shown below will take you to travelling around the world in 80 seconds...
80日間世界一周 なら知ってるけど。。。
I'm going back to my home planet in Outer Space in 80secs!
Now I'm composing a 80-second new song...
The SEPHA's album "The Androgynous Sound" is now available also on iTunes(JAPAN) and iTunes in other countries!
The SEPHA's album "The Androgynous Sound" is now available also on iTunes(JAPAN) and iTunes in other countries!
You can check the sounds also on the SEPHA on Myspace Music before your downloading!
(SEPHA(セファ)のアルバム"The Androgynous Sound" は、 iTunes(JAPAN) でもダウンロードが可能になりました!
SEPHA(セファ)のMyspace Musicでも、まずは試聴可能です!)