Apr 7, 2010

a stamp my mum bought for me when I was a kid / 子供の頃に母が買ってくれた切手


"Avalokitesvara as a merciful mother" by Hogai Kano, a 19th century Japanese Painter
( 狩野芳崖 「悲母観音」 )

When I was a kid, I met this painting first time through the Japanese stamp (Shown at the left) my mom bought for me, which this was used for the stamp design.                                  I could appreciate this work more and more as I get older, and this painting works is one of my favorites since then.                                                               ( この絵に初めて出会ったのは、この絵が切手になったもの(写真左)を子供の頃に母が私に買ってくれたことが出会いだった。         それから、年をとるたびにこの絵の深い意味が分かるようになり、私の好きな絵の1つである。)



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(SEPHA(セファ)のアルバム"The Androgynous Sound" を http://www.myspace.com/sephastyle1 で試聴!)