May 19, 2010

The Geminin's Telephone(10) / ふたご座の電話(10)


The preveous story(9) is shown on

The stars started to blink on and off on the night sky, and then a night wind started to blow, and the music played by them on the sky was blown to the ground in the wind.

The cosmic panda started to get into a flurry.
“Oh!  The Gemini’s telephone is ringing, ringing!  I’ve gotta get it, get it!  Now I’ve gotta go, gotta go!  Well…Will you excuse me, excuse me?”

When the amber spot of light on the ground was gone, the music coming from the sky stopped, and the rain began.

Then the panda disappeared, and all the left in there was the Gemini’s telephone.
(C)2010 SEPHA- All Rights Reserved

( 点滅し始める夜空の星たち。



(C)2010 SEPHA- All Rights Reserved  
  "The Geminin's Telephone / ふたご座の電話"
Painted by SEPHA (C) 1998 SEPHA - All Rights Reserved
To be Continued...

*You can see other painting works also on
(SEPHA(セファ)の他の絵の作品は、 でも見れます。)

 Music of the day / 本日の音楽: 

by SEPHA (セファ)
(C)1996 SEPHA- All Rights Reserved

Check the song out on :

from the album
"SEPHA Style Vol.1/ The Androgynous Sound"
(P) 2010 SEPHA/ Multi-Art Entertainment Inc.

Downloading this album is avilable worldwide on iTunes and more!
And you can check other downlodable sites on here:
(このアルバムはiTunes 等でワールドワイドにダウンロードをできます!
もしくは、こちらのサイトで: )


The SEPHA's album "The Androgynous Sound" is now available also on iTunes(JAPAN) and iTunes in other countries!                                         
You can check the sounds also on the SEPHA on Myspace Music before your downloading!

(SEPHA(セファ)のアルバム"The Androgynous Sound" は、 iTunes(JAPAN) でもダウンロードが可能になりました!
SEPHA(セファ)のMyspace Musicでも、まずは試聴可能です!)

"SEPHA Style Vol.3/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Up)" shown at the left
"SEPHA Style Vol.4/ Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-side Down)"  shown at the right
Those will be available on late June 2010!!
For more: