I came across and dropped by a piano showroom the other day.
Not to mention many upright pianos, but also dozens of grand pianos there had in there.
And too many zero on every price tag took me longer time to figure out how much the price it was …hahaha…
The least expensive one in grand pianos in there was around 3,000,000 yen...
After I tried playing some grand pianos, I played the most expensive one in there – over 10,000,000 yen, which was made in Germany.
It was very well-sounding piano and the sound reached all over the very large showroom instantly.
I was very happy to play the wonderful piano with very beautiful sound :)
It was very well-sounding piano and the sound reached all over the very large showroom instantly.
I was very happy to play the wonderful piano with very beautiful sound :)
( 先日、ピアノのショールームを通りかかり、立ち寄った。
とても美しい音色のステキなピアノを弾けてとってもハッピーな気分だった。 )
I was told in there that there is such piano, which the name is “Pegasus”(the picture shown above), though there had not the one in there.
( そのお店にはなかったのだけど、他にもこんなピアノもあるとのこと。
その名もペガサス。<写真上> )
A Pegasus figure (shown above) is also actually put on the piano, too.
That reminded me one of my favorite cars, Jaguar.
( 本当に 写真上のペガサスもそのピアノに付いている。一瞬、私の好きな車の1つ、Jaguar を思い出させた。 )
I wonder where in Tokyo or Japan I can try playing this piano?
I want to play the Pegasus!
Once I play the Pegasus, I would feel like that I can fly higher and farther as long as I keep on plying this piano.
How lovely and cool!
( 日本にもどこかのショールーム置いてあるのかな?弾いてみたい!
ステキ! )