Hello Everyone!
I'm updating my blog for the first time in about two months, since I am not on the earth.
Sorry for my silence for a little while.
I've been writing, composing, and recording Cosmic Opera in the Outer Space.
On the earth, recently the following two albums of mine have been just released!
(皆様、お久しぶりです :)
On a beautiful day with a rainbow appearing in the sky, a Sunny-Side Up egg on your table will start to sing songs for you.
When the egg sings, it turns to be a gold phonodisc on the earth.
When the side A of the phonodisc is played, the sun will appear, which SEPHA says that is "Cosmic Pop Sunny-Side Up" in Cosmic Language.
(そのレコードの表がかかっている時は、太陽が現れ、それを、Cosmic Language(コズミック・ランゲージ)では、Cosmic Pop Sunny-Side Up (コズミック・ポップのサニー・サイド・アップ(目玉焼きの表側)) とSEPHA(セファ)は言う。)
Click on " SEPHA Style Vol.2: Cosmic Language (Cosmic Pop Sunny-Side Up) " to check the sounds! (リンクをクリックして試聴!)
When the side B of the phonodisc is played, the moon will appear, which SEPHA says that is"Cosmic Pop Sunny-Side Down" in Cosmic Language.
(そのレコードの裏がかかっている時は、月が現れ、それを、Cosmic Language(コズミック・ランゲージ)では、Cosmic Pop Sunny-Side Down (コズミック・ポップのサニー・サイド・ダウン(目玉焼きの裏側)) とSEPHA(セファ)は言う。)
SEPHA on the album cover photographed by Lori Ono
Click on "SEPHA Style Vol.3: Cosmic Language(Cosmic Pop Sunny-Side Down)" to check the sounds! (リンクをクリックして試聴!)
These two best digital albums shown above have been released recently worldwide, following the best instrumental songs album “SEPHA Style Vol.1 / The Androgynous Sound”, and are also the introduction to the main story of "Cosmic Opera", which is the SEPHA's new album to be released in next year after a long interval.
Downloading them is available on iTunes, CDBABY and more.
(先日、上記2枚のSEPHA(セファ)のデジタル版のベスト版アルバムが、先に発売中の「SEPHA Style Vol.1: The Androgynous Sound」に続き、世界で発売開始になり、iTunesやCDBABY等でもダウンロードが可能になりました。
For more detail about these two albums, Please see Here!
I hope you enjoy these :)
Thank you all, always!
with Love, Beauty, Music, Art, from Outer Space,